Unlock the Power of Arabic Language Today!

Welcome to My Arabic, the online educational program designed to help bilingual children over the age of 3 master the Arabic language. Our scientific curricula, based on phonology and the Somaia Framework, ensure effective and engaging learning experiences.

Discover our scientific teaching methods for bilingual children.

In My Arabic, we offer an online learning program that uses scientific methods, including phonology and the Somaia Framework. Our program is designed to suit bilingual children starting from the age of 3 and above.


Our educational program includes phonology to help children develop strong skills in the Arabic language.

Somaia Framework

We use the Somaia Framework, a foundational methodology for learning the language effectively.

Young teen doing schoolwork at home after UK schools close due to the Coronavirus.by Annie Spratt
A scientific based curriculum - The Somaia Framework

Unlocking the Potential of Bilingual Children

At My Arabic, we offer an online teaching program specifically designed for bilingual children aged 3 and above. Our scientifically-based approaches, including phonetics and the Somaia Framework, ensure effective language learning and development. Enroll your child for 1 academic year and witness their growth and fluency in Arabic.

Unlocking Bilingual Potential: Our Program Supports Language Development and Child Growth

At My Arabic, we believe in the power of bilingual education to enhance cognitive abilities, cultural understanding, and future opportunities. That's why we have developed the Somaia Framework for Learning Arabic. Our online teaching program for bilingual children, aged 3 and above, is designed to support their language development and overall growth.

Language Support

Our program provides a strong foundation in Arabic language skills, fostering fluency and comprehension.

Cultural Awareness

Through engaging lessons, we promote cultural understanding and appreciation for diversity.

Discover the Success of Our Enrolled Students

Our online teaching program has achieved a high success rate and high satisfaction among enrolled students. Join us today and see the difference!

of our students can begin formulating letters in Arabic after 1 year.
students have been through our online Arabic learning program.
Enrollment open 2024-2025

Hear what parents and educators have to say

Parent Reviews

Abu Hamza


"My Arabic has been a game-changer for my child's language development."



"The teaching methods are engaging and effective."



"The online Arabic library of 2000+ books is AMAZING!"



"Do it! If your kids live in a bilingual area, you will feel the difference!"

Enroll your child in online Arabic classes today!

Give your child the gift of bilingual education with our online program.

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