Terms & Services

October 31, 2022

Roles and Responsibilities

Role of Parents

1. Learning Environment

  • Provide a suitable place for children’s educational sessions.
  • Create conducive conditions for studying (quiet, attentive setting).

2. Technical Support

  • Supplying necessary devices for class participation.
  • Assisting with technical requirements for class access.
  • Ensuring printing facilities for assignments.

3. Class Engagement

  • Monitoring children’s class attendance.
  • Facilitating access to Google Classrooms and ensuring students join correctly.
  • Upholding the privacy of classes by not recording sessions.

Role of Students

1. Class Discipline

  • Adhering to the class schedule.
  • Maintaining proper demeanor during classes (no sleeping or eating).

2. Participation and Conduct

  • Following teacher’s instructions and respecting classmates’ speaking turns.
  • Seeking parental help for joining classes when needed.
  • Keeping the camera on and muting the microphone unless participating.

3. Academic Performance

  • Completing and submitting paper and electronic assignments on time.
  • Engaging in school programs diligently.

Role of the School

1. Curricular Framework

  • Providing specialized Arabic language learning curricula.
  • Offering programs for bilingual and non-Arabic speaking students.
  • Supplying electronic programs to enhance language skills.

2. Educational Support

  • Trained and qualified educational staff.
  • Competent teachers for various educational levels.
  • Age-appropriate teaching methodologies.
  • Provision of computers and remote teaching tools for teachers.

3. Student Support and Advancement

  • Specialized student accounts with Arabic stories and books.
  • Continuous monitoring and support through various educational stages.
  • Assessment tools to gauge student levels.

Class Structure Overview

Early Learners (Ages 3-7)

  • Two consecutive 35-40 minute classes with short 5-10 minute breaks per week.

Middle Learners (Ages 8-15)

  • Two consecutive 40-45 minute classes with short 5-10 minute breaks per week.

Academic Year and Schedule

Academic Year

  • The academic year starts on September 1st of each year.
  • The academic year ends in mid-June of the following year.
  • The academic year is divided into three semesters.
  • The first semester starts from September to the end of November.
  • The second semester from December to the end of February.
  • The third semester from March to mid-June.
  • Alignment with European school holidays and additional specific holidays such as Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha..

Weekly Schedule

For weekend classes:

  • Lessons start from 9:00 until 15:00 at the latest.
  • Example: When the class starts at 9:00, the study ends at 10:30.
  • About an hour and a half for two sessions, depending on the level.

For weekday classes:

  • Lessons start from 17:00 until 20:00 at the latest.
  • Example: When the class starts at 17:00, the study ends at 18:30.
  • About an hour and a half for two sessions, depending on the level.

Note on Progression

  • After the quarterly results appear, students who need help and support can move to lower levels appropriate to their abilities. Students who pass the tests and exams with excellent results move to higher levels that suit their abilities. Students who have passed the exams with acceptable rates can be kept in their classrooms and given supplementary materials to enhance their level.

Privacy Policy

  • Parents and students are not allowed to photograph lessons.
  • Neither the parents nor the students have the right to share any pictures of the classes or the teacher or classmates
  • We reserve the rights to use images for promotional purposes, respecting opt-out requests.

Financial System

Annual Subscription Payment

  • The annual subscription fee must be paid before the start of the academic year and/or at registration. The student’s family is not entitled to request a refund of this amount if they wish to withdraw the registration after two business days from the registration date and the start of the academic year, even if the student has not yet started attending classes.
  • No refunds will be given to the student’s family if the school determines that the student should no longer continue due to a lack of attention and proper follow-up of studies, bad behavior, breach of school rules, or for other reasons deemed by the school to be in violation of its regulations during the academic year.

Registration Documentation

  • Required forms and interview process.


I’m Ahmad El-Saadi, the man behind the magic as the operations manager at My Arabic. I work closely with the founders to create kick-ass programs for bilingual peeps to learn Arabic through phonetics. When I’m not creating the next big thing, you can find me chillin’ and thinking about how I can make the world better through language education. Stay tuned for my blog posts, where I’ll discuss all things Arabic and give you a glimpse into my world.

About Us

My Arabic’s mission is to make Arabic easy, fun & accessible for everyone