Global Arabic community

October 29, 2022

A global arabic community – supportive & welcoming

My Arabic’s global community helps students learn Arabic by providing them with a place to practice their language skills and interact with other Arabic learners from all over the world. The community offers a variety of resources that can be used to improve one’s Arabic skills, including a forum, chat room, and online lessons. Additionally, we’re working to create a community that organizes events and meetups where members can get together to practice their Arabic and learn more about the culture.

Focused Classes of 15 Children

When it comes to teaching, it is often said that teachers need to focus on the individual needs of each child in their class. This can be a daunting task, especially when there are 15 children in the class. However, a class of 15 children can actually help teachers focus on each child’s individual needs.The first thing that a class of 15 children does is provide a more intimate setting. This allows teachers to get to know their students better and understand their individual needs. In a larger class, it can be difficult to really get to know each child. But in a smaller class, teachers can quickly learn about each student’s strengths, weaknesses, and interests.Another way that a class of 15 children helps teachers focus on each child’s individual needs is by providing more opportunities for one-on-one interaction. In a larger class, teachers often have to share their attention among many students. But in a smaller class, teachers can give each child the individual attention they need. This is especially important for students who are struggling or have special needs.Finally, a class of 15 children can help teachers focus on each child’s individual needs by providing more opportunities for differentiation. Differentiation is when teachers adjust their instruction to meet the needs of individual students. In a larger class, it can be difficult to differentiate instruction for each child. But in a smaller class, teachers can more easily adjust their instruction to meet the needs of each student.Overall, a class of 15 children can help teachers focus on each child’s individual needs. This is because a smaller class size provides a more intimate setting, more opportunities for one-on-one interaction, and more opportunities for differentiation.

Each child is unique and has different needs when it comes to learning. This is why having a smaller class size is so important. With fewer students, teachers can focus on each child’s individual needs and ensure that they are meeting their fullest potential.In a smaller class, teachers have the time to get to know their students on a personal level. They are able to learn about their strengths and weaknesses and tailor their teaching methods accordingly. This allows for a more customized and effective learning experience for each child. Additionally, teachers are able to give more attention to each student in a smaller class. They can provide one-on-one help when needed and create a more supportive learning environment. This is especially beneficial for students who may be struggling or have special needs.Overall, a smaller class size is beneficial for both teachers and students. It allows teachers to focus on each child’s individual needs and create a more supportive and personalized learning environment. This is why it is so important for schools to maintain smaller class sizes, whenever possible.

We plan on expanding our community – you should consider joining!

We’re looking to create a global community of parents of bilingual children. Bilingualism is becoming more and more common, and we want to connect parents from all over the world who are raising bilingual children. We believe that sharing our experiences and stories can help us all become better parents and support our children in the best way possible.There are many benefits to being bilingual, and we want to make sure that our children are getting the most out of their bilingualism. We also want to create a safe space for parents to discuss the challenges that come with raising bilingual children. We know that it’s not always easy, but we believe that it’s worth it.If you’re a parent of a bilingual child, we invite you to join our community. We hope that you’ll find support, friendship, and helpful information. Together, we can make a difference for our children.


I’m Ahmad El-Saadi, the man behind the magic as the operations manager at My Arabic. I work closely with the founders to create kick-ass programs for bilingual peeps to learn Arabic through phonetics. When I’m not creating the next big thing, you can find me chillin’ and thinking about how I can make the world better through language education. Stay tuned for my blog posts, where I’ll discuss all things Arabic and give you a glimpse into my world.

About Us

My Arabic’s mission is to make Arabic easy, fun & accessible for everyone